Seattle VR Hackathon VI

By | September 18, 2017

In the past, I participate in game jams and hacks in order to gain experience building prototypes. But starting this year, that goal changed a bit. I also use these events as opportunity to work with some people and learn from them. For Seattle VR Hackathon that took place over last weekend, I wanted to work with other female developers. I approached Evie Powell a few weeks ago in another event and asked to join her team.

During pitching session on Friday, Evie wanted to create a multiplayer, asymmetrical game in VR.  She already had two other team member with her. PG and a couple programmers I worked with in the past also decided to join in.

We created a VR climbing experience, where the main player used HTC Vive to climb up a mountain, grabbed a sword at the top, and battle enemies to victory. During the climbing session, up to four other players can play as annoying fairies, trying their best to sabotage and prevent the VR player from reaching the top.  We wanted these fairies to be controlled using mobile devices. Unfortunately due to lack of time, we were only able to implement the fairies as players using separate screen.

You can find more info about this project through DevPost.